4 years ago

When will we unite as a nation by keep religion and politics aside?

There has been a lot of discussion on #pmcares .Some say it is a replica of #PMNRF and others are questioning its transparency and use.

Some Facts:

1. #PMNRF was introduced to bring back people displaced from Pakistan and contribute a small portion towards medical treatment. #pmcaresfund is just about #covid19.

2. Relief funds set up state government don't fall under CSR Donations - #companiesact Act,2013. Ironical when the party which placed it now questions it knowing that it will need an amendment to change it.

3.Contribution of funds to #SDMA will be taken as #CSR Expenditure. Why are some states complaining and politicising it rather than asking the corporates to contribute under it and avail #CSR Benefits under prevailing law??

4. States get 41% share of the revenue under 15th Finance Commission so it's time they chip in because the way I see, #pmcares is doing what it is supposed to.

5. #pmcares will be audited by independent auditors. https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/pm-cares-to-be-audited-by-independent-auditors/articleshow/75112792.cms

Isn't it high time we forget the #religion and #party based bias and unite as a nation. Or does it require more #covid19 deaths for us to finally stop politicising everything?

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.4 years ago

@Satwik they are doing wrong and we should not question it ? filling the jails with wrong people. why should we not question in democracy when they are doing it wrong. till the next election if they stay , it all will be damaged. We need the brains to function to take care of the situation, do we have the right people at the right place for it -NO . Nirmala sitharaman can't even describe all the aspects herself during the conference and needs help from others , pointing finger at Raghuram Rajan raised further eyebrows. that is a laid back attitude if you do not question the wrong, that means you are supporting it.

.4 years ago

and not everyone had voted for this government. I knew about the loopholes and didn't vote for him. so i am not one of those blind followers . And the points you have put above, you seem to be supporting them without even questioning and feel all is good.